This photo is a representation of an amateur. I took this picture using my iPhone at a football game in 2011. When looking at the photo, your eyes first look at the Maryland flag on the field. But, looking closer there are players on the field that should be the main focus. The building is casting a very strong shadow making it difficult to see the players and what they are doing. There is also a glare in the photo from the sun rays that makes it hard to see. This photo is framed very nicely if it were meant to show the football field. However, since the subject matter is the players on the field, the framing is too wide and should have been cropped in much tighter. The lighting is poor since half of the field is in cast shadow and the other half is in direct sunlight. The camera angle is taken from an elevated perspective and is not askew. If the image had been cropped tighter on the players the angle itself would have been very pleasing. Since this photo was taken with an iPhone, the resolution is not the best and could not be displayed very large. The subjects should be the football players, but is instead the field as a whole because of the size and lighting. When looking at the photo it does not evoke any emotion. It is just a generic picture taken of a field that shows players far off in the distance.
This is a professional photo taken at the same football game closer up and with a much better camera. In this photo the foreground is in focus while the background is blurred and seems to fade away. This gives a clear focus to the main subject being player number 5. It is framed in such a way that all we do is look at the most important part of the picture without any extraneous parts. There is a contrast between the subject and what is extra because the players have bright lighting and the background is almost blacked out. The camera angle is straight and directly in front of the main player. This provides a clear focus to the image on the subject. The size of the photo is cropped and is also taken with a professional camera with high resolution. This allows the photo to be viewed in larger sizes. The main subject is player number five carrying his helmet and walking onto the field. Everyone else in the photo has their back turned and is blurred out so that it is evident that we are focusing in on the subject. When looking at the photo the viewers feel his emotions of excitement and happiness.
These photos have more contrasting qualities to them than similarities. In my amateur photo it exhibits poor focus and clarity, framing, lighting, size, and subject while the professional photo has all excellent qualities to it. The only comparison of the two is how well the camera angle is. In the amateur photo, it is taken elevated so that the entire field is shown and in the professional photo it is taken from straight ahead to show the main subject.